How to use paid partnerships in Pinterest with Idea Pins? Quick tutorial

Hey there, so how to add Paid partnerships and Pinterest. So I just tried it out for the first time and I wanted to show you. So, you can only add it with the Idea Pins. First of all, you need to go to your Pinterest account. You need to have some good followers and engagement impression numbers. Then go to creator hub and see if you're eligible for branded content. When you're creating an Idea Pin, you'll be presented with a pop-up introducing paid partnerships. Partner with brands through the paid partnership tool, mark your Idea Pin with the paid partnership label, and send a request to the brand right from the app. If your request is approved, the brand will show on the paid partnership label. When you see the paid partnership tool, you can add new brands or the ones you're already partnering with to define payment details. So, create an Idea Pin and tap the partnership label under advanced settings. Then add a brand partner and select the different brands. For example, you can select those, and send your request for approval. Now, they will receive a notification that you tagged them in your story. Then you just need to wait for their approval, and you can calculate your CPI, amps, or the average you have, and figure out how much they can pay you in payment agreement. Let's say I want to tag the Calm app, which is a meditation app. I can create an Idea Pin, pick a board, tag related topics, and tap the partnership label under advanced settings. Then, I can add a brand partner and select the Calm app. After I send my request for approval, they will receive a notification that I tagged them in my story. Finally, I can tap to publish and submit it, and they will just have a notification near my new Pin story to react to my Pin. That's how you can use paid partnerships in Pinterest with Idea Pins. As I was talking, if you go to creator hub and branded content, you can check if you're eligible. That's where you can start your paid partnership journey.

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