How to use Routine template in Me+ app?

In the world of productivity apps, finding ways to streamline and organize our daily routines is key. One app that offers a handy solution is the Me+ app. Today, we will walk you through how to use the routine template in Me+ app, so you can make the most of its features and boost your productivity.

To begin, open the Me+ app and tap on the "Discover" button. This will take you to a page where you can explore various templates that can help you structure and plan your day. Among the available options, you will find templates for different routines like the morning routine or power daybreakers.

Once you have chosen a routine template, you can see the tasks included in it. These tasks are designed to guide you through your routine and keep you on track. To add the tasks to your own routine, simply tap on the "Add to Routine" button next to each task. This way, you can incorporate all these daily tasks into your own schedule.

After you have finished customizing your routine, don't forget to tap on the "Save" button to ensure that your changes are applied. However, be aware that you may encounter some advertisements or prompts to upgrade to the premium version at this point. While the premium version offers additional features, such as access to more templates, it comes at a cost.

The discovery that only the premium version allows you to add templates may come as a surprise. The good news is that the price for the premium version of Me+ app is quite reasonable, at only $20 per year. Considering the time it can save you from managing your routines yourself, this can be a worthwhile investment in your self-organization.

If you are a new user of the Me+ app, keep in mind that you may come across various deals and offers like this one. It is worth giving them a try to see if they can further enhance your experience with the app.

In conclusion, utilizing the routine template in the Me+ app can be a game-changer for your daily productivity. By taking advantage of the pre-designed tasks and structures, you can streamline your routines and save valuable time. While the premium version offers even more benefits, the basic version still provides a solid foundation for managing your routines effectively. Give it a try and see how it can revolutionize your daily organization.

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