iOS 17 - how to leave a video message in FaceTime?

In the latest iOS 17 update, Apple has introduced a new feature that allows users to leave video messages in FaceTime. This feature comes in handy when the person you are trying to reach is unavailable to take your call. Let's take a closer look at how you can leave a video message using FaceTime in iOS 17.

To start, simply open the FaceTime app on your iOS device. If the person you are trying to contact is not available, you will have the option to leave a video message. Tap on the "record video" button to begin.

Once you tap on the "record video" button, you will be prompted to start recording your video message. Take your time to record your message, expressing whatever you wish to convey. It could be a quick update, a funny story, or an important piece of information.

After recording your video message, iOS 17 allows you to review your recording before sending it. This gives you the opportunity to make any necessary edits or retakes to ensure your message is just right. Simply tap on the "play" button to review your recording.

If you are satisfied with your video message, you can proceed to send it. Tap on the send button and your message will be sent to the recipient's FaceTime inbox. They will be able to view it as soon as they become available.

The ability to leave video messages in FaceTime is a great addition to iOS 17, making it easier for users to communicate even when they can't connect in real-time. It provides a convenient way to share information, updates, or simply stay connected with friends and family.

Give this new feature a try on your iOS device running iOS 17, and experience the ease and convenience of leaving video messages in FaceTime. Whether you want to share exciting news or just say hello, video messages in FaceTime can help you stay connected in a more personal way.

So, don't hesitate to explore this feature and let your creativity shine through video messages. Take advantage of this great addition to iOS 17 and make your communication more engaging than ever before.

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