Is Peekaboo app available on Android/Google play store?
Is Peekaboo app available on Android/Google Play Store?
According to the video transcript, the Peekaboo app is indeed available on the Google Play Store. The speaker mentions that the app is also available for Android devices.
The app, called Peekaboo: Make New Friends, seems to be making waves in the iOS App Store, currently dominating the charts. It appears that this Android version of the app is considered an alternative to its iOS counterpart.
If you're interested in giving Peekaboo a try and you own an Android device, you can easily find it on the Google Play Store. Simply search for "Peekaboo: Make New Friends" and download it onto your device.
Overall, it seems that Peekaboo offers an exciting opportunity for users to connect with new friends. Whether you're using an iOS device or an Android device, you can now join in on the fun and experience what this app has to offer.
So why wait? Go ahead and give Peekaboo a try and see if it lives up to the hype. Download it today from the Google Play Store and start making new friends.
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