makromusic app - dating for Spotify

An interesting app called makromusic has recently been introduced - it's described as "dating for Spotify." Let's delve into what this app has to offer. You can find your music match, see who listens to the same music as you at the same time, discover what others are currently listening to, and start chatting with people you have accepted. The app also allows you to see details about artists and music, making it easy to sign in and explore your music matches.

It appears that the app is relatively new and may have some bugs, as mentioned during a hands-on demonstration. The reviewer notes that signing in with Spotify may require multiple attempts, indicating that there could be some technical issues that need to be addressed. Despite the initial challenges, the potential of makromusic app seems promising, offering the feature to connect with people who share similar music tastes.

Upon successfully signing in, users can customize their profiles by editing their names and choosing a username. The registration process seems straightforward, albeit with some issues reported by the reviewer in creating an account. These minor setbacks are acknowledged, with the hope that the developers will address them to enhance the app's usability.

In conclusion, the makromusic app shows potential as an innovative platform for connecting Spotify users based on their music preferences. While there may be some initial bugs to iron out, the app's concept of music-based matchmaking is intriguing. Users interested in discovering new music and connecting with like-minded individuals may find this app worth exploring as improvements are made.

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