Myst Series Available on Windows 10

Myst Series Available on Windows 10


Myst is one the old-school games that will always be remembered by gamers back in 1993. This game was one of a kind, something that back then gamers had never seen. The game inspired a lot of games that play today.

Cyan Woods, the developer of Myst took to the crowdfunding service to raise some funds in order to complete the Myst series on Windows 10. The project has been fully funded. Cyan was able to get the complete rights to all seven games in Myst series. The seven games included in one set include Myst (Masterpiece Edition), Riven (The Sequel to Myst), Myst 3 (Exile), Myst 4 (Revelation), Myst 5 (End of Ages), Uru (Complete Chronicles) and RealMyst (Masterpiece).

One can get the digital copies of each game for $49 only, or you could opt to pay $99 to get the DVD copies in a box designed to look like Myst Book. All the games in Myst are designed with the amazing features such as an original hand drawn gorgeous concept art and recreation of Gehn’s in-game pen.

The developer also built a Linking book that comes complete with an 800×480 LCD screen which plays video fly-throughs of the Myst’s environment when you open the book.

All The Games Play on Windows 10

There has been an important update on all the games, such that they can now play on modern systems. In fact, they all play on Windows 10, but most of them won’t work on MacOS. We understand that Myst 3 and Myst 4 had not been updated on Windows 10 due to some rights that had been held by another publisher, but now the all the games are brought together for a whole new generation.

Games will not Work on MacOS

The original Myst was first released on Mac before it became the best-selling PC game of the 20th century. However, much of these games won’t play on MacOS, because, according to Cyan Woods, the maintenance of some of the games on MacOS would require rewriting them completely. This would require resources that they claim they don’t have.






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