Seasoned - jobs and community - app overview
hey there so here is seasoned app so let's just install it um so that's the app let's just use a touch id of ice id um and looking for a job at bar restaurant anywhere in the sellers entry industry get hired faster with seasoned season is the only community i've built exclusive for the service industry where you can apply to local jobs fast schedule interviews even faster and tap into a social community that's in the weeds with you so this app i think is uh have some similarities with insta work as probably you've heard about though that's like um geek jobs marketplace but let's discover in more detail this app especially how to create an account how to get started so sign up for free so let's just use email okay then just use first name and just use password um enter your phone number and then uh so then i need the phone number so for the sake of this uh demo video i will just use this app text now just need to remember my phone number here so then we just enter 701 [Music] 502 then then you can select to to get like new switch jobs just to your via texts so here it is then you can just provide location so for example if there you have it enable notifications so that's basically how it works um and that's the idea of this app so you have 472 jobs around san francisco and then deserves the jobs and then basically yep so usually these are some like geek jobs which you can just use and apply easily like if i need to tap apply i'm new to the industry you add your relevant work experience and then just add then just add photo and request interview time so that's basically it so that's how it works then you have messages then you can discover topics then you can also have feed so different updates here and yep so basically how that works like there are messages and then there is your profile there are also settings security which you can change here phone number get help or sign out so that's basically and i probably you hope it was helpful
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