Shuffles app - STILL WAITING LIST…

so uh if you try to create an account in shuffles app it says it's in white only right now and your account is on a waitlist so how long this waitlist might take nobody knows like usually in this app it can start from few weeks to months and like even years but i don't guarantee this information is just like my estimation based on other apps that it can take really like a long time so what i would suggest just really ask your friends or try to find some or try to get invited engage in social media and probably they will open up it pretty fast but yeah if you're just sitting and waiting and you really want to get in yeah in fact that happened rather soon because probably this app is developed by pinterest but they just really want to test every aspect of it and if they design this growth tactic that they want invitation codes they won't be opening up to everyone in just few three five days because what was the point within white codes unless something extraordinary happens and they really have like influx of users or something like that so yeah just uh ask your friends probably some of them already has some has access and each of your friends who has access has five invitation codes so that's what what you can do

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