Spotify killed - Spotify for Podcasters app preview

modify is killing anchor app so anchor app was one of the you know like free app for podcasters to host their content and and this app was owned by Spotify and you know you could just create a show upload episodes uh add some background music and instantly publish it to many platform from from encore and for you as creators you could even have monetized your content there so that's that was the idea basically but now Spotify has announced that it's killing this platform but you're actually getting an upgrade and now uh Spotify is rolling anchor into new version of Spotify for podcasters so that would be a new app the company says that while users previously had different experience across both tools consolidation will enable the full features for all users whether they are hosting their show with Spotify or not and then you will get some additional features so first uh yeah you will be able to upload and publish episodes for users hosting their show with Spotify for podcasters you can get interactive features like uni and pulse you then you can get some Advanced analytics to track shows growth and all of that is as I understand for free and then podcast previews broadcast chapters and then you will be able to participate in Spotify Labs a global series of workshops um there is new space for educational podcasting content and all of this is also coming after uh uh Spotify announced the major redesign of uh or to its mobile app so yeah that's basically that's it um I don't know when this app will be actually available or this is just being announced here in the blog post in Spotify uh uh so here you will be able to see that and then Encore is now part of Spotify for podcasters and you can see uh so yeah uh you can you when you sign up or login using your Spotify for podcasters or anchor login you find a dashboard with everything you need to make Malaysian level up your show directive features there is a number of monetization tools uh to all platforms you can publish them to all platforms uh while many of these features have been limited exclusively to Anchor users now referred to as Spotify hosted creators it was important to build Spotify podcasters in a new way so yeah that's basically the idea uh I don't know when it's available or how to get started I have a podcast and then here you can just go to this website uh uh and then you can just log in basically here with your anchor password so yeah something like that so try it out

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