Talking Ben the Dog - app overview

here is a spiral app called talking band the dock so you can just install it and tap get so it's 164 megabytes size so it's not such a like tiny app but it's in the top charts it's very like strata leaving so you can just basically talk with the dog and you have this like cartoon of the dog which you which can pronounce like different phrases do different things you can just tap on the screen and it just moves so this app is not only for the kids it's just for everyone just to have a bit more fun and yeah something like that ben is a retired chemistry professor who likes his quite comfortable life of eating drinking and reading newspapers to make him responsive you'll have to bother him long enough that he will fold his newspapers and you can talk to him paul could tickle him or even have a telephone conversation with him if you get banned to his laboratory however he becomes as happy as a puppy there you can do chemistry experiments by mixing a combination of two test tubes together and see the hilarious reactions pogba's newspaper to make him fold it then you can talk to bun and he will repeat tickle bends belly pork poke or swipe bands graduation picture so there's all the actions so there you have it and there are some good reviews so people are quite happy with the app um basically this app was uh this is in the series of apps called talking tom so yeah here you just need to enter when you were born um you can allow tracking and there you have it [Music] yep so that's basically the app hope you enjoyed the app

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