TypeAI - AI keyboard extension - how to use?

TypeAI - AI Keyboard Extension: How to Use?

There is an interesting app called Type AI, an AI keyboard extension built by CodeAway developer, who previously developed popular third-party apps like Chat with Ask AI. This keyboard extension is designed to be the ultimate writing assistant, taking your writing to the next level with the power of ChatGPT API.

Type AI works seamlessly on any platform or app on your phone. It aims to eliminate worries about typos, grammar mistakes, or finding the right words to express yourself. The app offers various features, including grammar and spelling checks, wording recommendations, translation, AI message completion, and paraphrasing.

The idea behind this app is to improve upon the existing features on iOS keyboards, which sometimes fall short in terms of suggestions and replacements. With Type AI, the aim is to see if ChatGPT can enhance this experience.

The app offers a three-day free trial, as well as a lifetime subscription for $40 or a weekly subscription for $5. To set up the keyboard, simply install the app, search for keyboards in your phone's settings, add a new keyboard, and select Type AI. Once added, long-press in any text field to bring up the keyboard options, and select Type AI to start using it.

Type AI offers more than just keyboard functionality. You can ask AI for assistance, change the tone of your message, continue text, reply, find synonyms, and even switch languages. The app works not only in messaging apps like WhatsApp but also in any other app where you need to type.

If you want to test out the app, there is a free option available, and if you decide to upgrade, you can easily enable the premium features. If you ever find that the keyboard is not to your liking, you can remove it from your settings by going to the keyboard settings, tapping on "edit," and removing Type AI from your list of keyboards.

Type AI offers a promising solution to improve your writing experience on your phone. Give it a try and see how it can enhance your productivity and efficiency in composing messages and content.

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