What is iOS 17 StandBy mode? How to enable? One of the coolest features

iOS 17 has brought along with it some of the coolest features and one of them is StandBy mode. So what really is StandBy mode in iOS 17 and how can we enable it? Let's explore.

StandBy mode is a newly introduced full-screen horizontal experience in iOS 17. This feature is designed to provide glanceable information specifically for times when your iPhone is on charging and resting near your bed. The mode presents glanceable information that can be viewed from a distance, such as clock information, recent photos, widgets, music playing, weather information, and much more.

Enabling the StandBy mode is quite easy, but it requires an update to iOS 17. The update is expected to be available during fall of 2023 or you can just install a developer beta. Once you have updated to iOS 17, simply go to the settings and then to StandBy option. From there, you can enable or disable StandBy mode. StandBy mode will automatically turn on whenever your iPhone rests stationary in a landscape position while on power.

While in StandBy mode, you can also utilize the other additional features such as Display Always On and Night Mode. When the Display Always On option is enabled, the display will intelligently turn off whenever your iPhone is not in use or when no attention is detected. The display, however, won't sleep when attention is detected. On the other hand, Night mode, which showcases a red tint with ambient lightning, will turn on StandBy mode whenever motion is detected at night.

One of the most advanced features of StandBy mode is that it can automatically detect your movements. You can leave it near your bed and it will act as a photo frame, playing your favorite music and providing information exactly when you need it.

In conclusion, StandBy mode is indeed one of the coolest new features offered by iOS 17. It brings a full-screen horizontal experience with glanceable information designed specifically to be viewed from a distance. So why not give it a try and see how it fits into your daily routine?

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