Worldcoin app - can’t open, not loading

I recently encountered some issues with the Worldcoin app, as reported in a video transcript. Users are facing difficulties in opening the WorldCoin app, with many experiencing the app not loading at all.

According to the video transcript, attempts to open the app may result in extended loading times, sometimes up to 20 seconds, only to end in failure with the app not loading. The user shares that they had to wait for an extended period before the app finally loaded successfully, highlighting the app's inconsistent performance.

It is evident from the transcript that the Worldcoin app is currently exhibiting significant bugs and inconsistencies in its loading behavior. Users are advised to be patient when opening the app, as prolonged loading times and potential failures seem to be common occurrences.

In conclusion, the reported issues with the Worldcoin app underline the importance of user awareness regarding its current buggy nature. While the app may present challenges in loading, users should exercise patience and be prepared for potential delays in accessing its features.

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