DeviantArt app - how to use? Full overview

called deviantart and let's just try to install it on iphone and see how it works so use the touch id of ice id to install and it's in top charts in social networking category and the idea is that with this app you can share and discover art you can also have chat and all these deviations and all of that so is the largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of ours to entertain inspire and empower the artists in all of us so let's just join an account here [Music] so i need to pick a username choose a password date of birth samsung that and then just tap join and yeah so then you just need to complete and verify your account so there you have it and then you will just see your posts um you can see all the deviations so some like some like art thingies like this cat here you can see like a screen with spider game you can see how many views it has and then you can just uh click to see more online art classes you can see all the comments watch i don't know what's that okay watch it just following someone and you can copy link you can report find groups to join you can uh join groups so it's kind of similar to discord here at the sidebar then you have your account um gallery journals post favorites watchers and then of course you can add your own art literature and all of that and then like yeah so have that so that's interesting tap on holden's are nice to quickly favorite it share it or use similar art so yeah something like that and then in top you have just all these categories digital art game art so if you're an artist i think you should definitely check out this app and yeah uh so just try to explore all these art possibilities here you can promote your art you can become a well-known artist actually here of course you can create a page on instagram but this is the app where like there is a niche community which specifically is interested in all of this art and of course if you're an artist you can go to openc or other nft marketplaces and share your art there then here here is your account settings uh and yeah photo applied quality push notifications change profile picture all of that you can just do from here so that's the idea and then you can manage all these groups and join the groups in and watch them in deviantart's app so that's the idea and then there are messages so there is chat there is general requests and notes uh inbox and read start sound and then you can just create a new chat here so that's basically the idea so hope you enjoyed this app that was like a super quick overview here then you can follow different artists you can copy link so for example if i go here i can just watch the artist you i can start a chat create a new chat room but seems you need to verify uh your account okay so let's just do that so this is my email so i can just verify my account from here and then it's also available on the web so something like that so that's the idea that's the app so kind of super fun so if i want to go to that profile there is core i don't know what that it means then i can start chatting sending messaging reach out to this specific artist i can see the description the full artist bio i can see how many deviation here she has how many comments page views favorites watchers and then you can follow in top right just to watch to follow this artist so yeah i would say this app is kind of like instagram for for the art and this is this is my stats so i can also update personal info you can add my timeline here and such as tap save and then i can change my pronouns like this so something like that and then let's see how it works of course i can enable notifications you can change profile picture so that's that's basically it that's that's the idea of the app if you enjoyed it if you enjoyed this quick or you just subscribe to my youtube channel put a like under this video so more people can see and enjoy this app i think it's really a must have for artists for digital artists also check out my podcast mr hakia where i describe different collabs see you                                                                                                                                            

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