How to see lyrics in YouTube music app?

If you're someone who loves to sing along to your favorite songs, you're in luck! YouTube Music app has a lyrics feature that lets you see the lyrics of the songs you're listening to. Here's how to use it:

  1. Open the YouTube Music app.
  2. Navigate to the song you want to listen to.
  3. Once the song is playing, swipe down from the top of the screen.
  4. You will see a "Lyrics" tab appear on the screen.
  5. Tap the "Lyrics" tab to view the lyrics of the song.

It's that simple! You can now sing along to your heart's content. The lyrics feature works just like in some other music apps like Spotify.

If you want to switch from viewing the lyrics to something else, simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the playback bar. From there you can pause, play, skip or go back to a song.

Overall, the lyrics feature is a great addition to the YouTube Music app. It allows users to enjoy their favorite songs with lyrics, making singing along much easier. Keep in mind that the feature may not be available for all songs, as it is still rolling out to some regions and may not yet be available for some songs.

So next time you're using the YouTube Music app, don't forget to check out the lyrics feature and enjoy singing along to your favorite songs!

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