FAST COM overview

hello so here is so is a default speed test internet speed test website which is used by netflix so if you if you are inside of netflix app and you can test your internet connection you will be probably redirected to so let's just see how it works so super easy just go on your mobile to and then you can just tap this green reload icon and then you will just test your internet speed so it's like super simple compared to like orcla or speed test some other speed testing tools this one is really straightforward there's just one number it's like download speed and it's like uh yeah that's what you need there are no other like latin cping other like dozens of measurements which is more for like advanced measurement this is just like if you want to consume content on internet this is like what's your speed is and it's pretty accurate maybe it's not super accurate compared to but i think it's it's fine so if you want to see more info then you can see latency you can see download speed and upload speed uh so yeah you can go to settings and set it up like parallel connections meaning one max a test duration uh seconds measure loaded latency always show all metrics save config for this device so you can just try that and then again you can see latency unloaded loaded and upload speed here as well you can see your client and you can see where server is located in which region and in which country so yeah speed test gives you an estimate of your current internet speed you will generally be able to get this speed from leading internet services uh focuses primarily on download speed and low speed is the most relevant for people who are consuming content on the internet what about pink latency applaud and other things when you click the show more infobot you can see your upload speed and connection latency so yeah how your results calculated performs a series of downloads from and uploads to netflix servers and calculates the maximum speed your internet connection can provide will the fastest com speed does work everywhere in the world fast discount will test internet speed globally why is netflix offering the speed test so it's like simple quick and free way to estimate the internet speed results from and other internet speed tests like dslreports or often show less speed than you have paid for then you can ask your isp about the results so there you have it in my experience orcla showed so that all cla and results were a bit different um so i don't know of course maybe orcla or like is the same website has like a better measurement so i would trust the service more but is just very simple and straightforward way to check your download speed                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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