what's up everyone here is another collab come see a live video chat there are like so many this live video chat apps these days yeah it can be understood people just want to like find new friends hang out with each other more these days and you can do it online at least so yeah here is the app its size is 75 megabytes so yeah you can match with random people now let's let's see this app uh how it works a bunch of these apps to be completely honest just like super scammy there are a lot of like spam and inappropriate profiles all of that but some of them are really cool so and really like interesting to use this one of the new apps so yeah there are some good starting reviews let's see how it looks like so here's the app it just takes some time for it to open up i don't know either it's like i have iphone 7 but like either is that or just enter okay you will see my abs here some reason it can't be opened i don't know then even open seems my wifi is working uh okay at least you know how to install it on iphone uh okay so i think the reason is because there is a screen recording so that's why it's not i got it i will do another video

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