here is elevate app which is going so popular so this app offers like a brain workouts uh which you can use um and like just to train your intelligence and just doing something like iq tests or stuff like that um so for example here you can see some of the personalized workouts like let's just do one of these together so just to tell to you you can easily create your account i made a video about it and yeah it's super easy just answer some questions and then you can just sign up is your appellate your facebook or google and now you you have all these like exercises uh there is a free trial but there is also a free version free version is quite limited so you can do like a five exercises for something like that per day uh in an expanded version you can do much more and then for example just tap next read each word as it appears answer questions to build your tower okay so i don't know how exactly that would work round one for 140 words per minute ready set go before its sharp spines become as red so i don't know what i need to do here okay so now i need to read it okay so that's basically oh no so now i lost okay now so you can see uh that there were like two numbers and i just got confused so that's the whole idea of the app that you can play not only this exercise but many other exercises like this and this is like can be super addictive oh no so uh so something around it so now you can see but they're like just too optional and sometimes you can just guess even without answering like the whole question so great job high scores pediatrics streaming so then you can see your score and maybe then you can just proceed with some other games so there you have it and then you can see all these stats and all of that so that's basically the idea then you can see your performance if i want to play i can just play this one so something around it you can see here i scored even higher score so that's kind of fun yeah and this is your workout you can see uh some of the uh yeah and then you can just view your you can do this workouts per day and then you can see all the stats and everything here you can see workout highlights you can explore other work because i'm using here a free version so if you want to unlock you can use seven day free trial and then only 39.99 per year so that's what you can do then you can do performance where you can see your performance in reading in writing speaking and you can select each category and then in the beginning when you create account you just set up what's your average you think you are and then there is our activities there are notifications and there is a profile which you can check out you can see all the achievements how it's working um you can see to your icon uh you can say account settings you can enable sound effects or disable them you can set some training goals and then if you want to you can easily delete your account all of your history programs and achievements will disappear forever just in case you are sensitive about your private information or private data then there are language settings this only language is available at this moment so it's not like super multi-lingual so that's what you have here uh workout lengths uh you need to upgrade to have this workout thanks and yeah it's pretty straightforward but people like this app because of the all these types of exercises and that you can really train your brain and it's kind of instead of playing some you know some stupid game online or you can really train your brain and increase your focus productivity some capabilities some writing skills reading skills and it can help out with your job maybe you can even show it to your boss or i don't know to some of your manager or hr that you are working on this app i don't know this is just like an idea uh maybe it's not helpful at all but at least it's for sure can be helpful for you and then you have your dashboard you can see strikes of course this is like the days you work out in this app without the break so yeah that's basically the idea uh that's how these apps work it's working and i hope you like it definitely give it a try definitely explore it and let's just go through some of the reviews on the app store because this can give you an idea if people like it or what are the main issues if they are here so here you can see elevate brain training this app has 380 000 plus reviews it was numerous times in editor's choice uh you can see ratings and views could you please add the answer results for math excellent training app brain trainings actually helps too little free content good but not enough i have enjoyed it but after challenge uh i feel like it's become a car doing much for me uh thanks for this is a great suggestion so yeah some people are a bit unhappy that actually you know if you're using this app daily for a few months it's kind of becomes boring so that's one thing to know that actually it becomes born after some period but a lot of people like that it's productive so anyhow hope this was helpful

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