How to change privacy or audience of Bonus BeReal?

Bonus BeReal is a popular social media app that has taken the world by storm. With a simple interface and various features, Bonus BeReal has become a go-to app for many users. One of the features of the app is Bonus Burials, which allow users to post two additional burials per day if they posted their original burial on time. However, changing the privacy or audience of these Bonus Burials can be confusing for some users. In this article, we will explain how to change the privacy or audience of Bonus BeReal.

Firstly, it is important to note that Bonus Burials are not available if you posted your original burial late. Once you have posted your original burial on time, you can access your Bonus Burials. To change the privacy or audience of these burials, you need to follow some simple steps.

If you simply go to your Bonus Burial page and tap on three dots, you will see the option to change your audience. However, this feature only works for the first burial and not for the Bonus Burials. So, to change the audience of all your Bonus Burials, you need to go to your original burial first.

Your original burial is the very left one, which is also the earliest one in the top. Here, you can change the audience of your burial to global or to my friends only. Once you have made this change, all your Bonus Burials will automatically be updated as well.

In summary, changing the privacy or audience of Bonus Burials on Bonus BeReal can be confusing, but it is not impossible. You need to go to your original burial, which is the earliest one, and change the audience there. This change will affect all your Bonus Burials as well. By following these steps, you can easily manage and control the privacy and audience of your burials on Bonus BeReal.

To Recap:

  1. You can only access Bonus Burials if you posted your original burial on time.
  2. The option to change audience in Bonus Burial is only available in the first burial.
  3. Go to your original burial to change the audience.
  4. All your Bonus Burials will be updated automatically with the same audience.

Happy Burying!

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