How to WAVE in CLUBHOUSE? Feature overview

okay so here's the new update from clubhouse and they just introduced wave so an easier way to start conversations with friends and clubhouse um so that's the way to hang out in hallway hallway is the main home screen of clubhouse app and then if you see your friends there you can just wave at them and start a private conversation and start a room so maybe you remember in facebook or there was a feature to poke someone i think that's that's how basically it's related so you can just poke someone you don't need to message send a message because you can already do that in clubhouse but you can just send this live emoji by tapping the vive button next to their name in the sidebar or on their profile they'll get a notification that you said hello and we know that you're open to chatting if there are two they can join a private room with you open just to the people you arrived at you can keep it to one social circle introduce friends from different groups to each other or open the room more broadly and you can write to as many friends as you like and you can do other things while you're writing for them to respond um so you can cancel your wife's app and if you background that will pause your voice so you don't get pulled in the room without realizing it so for example this is the clubhouse to access this man you just swipe left and this is where you have this sidebar from the hallway where you can discover all the waves but the people should be only your friends and they should be in the hallway so [Music] like let's see if i can just wave at someone so i can write either from the from the sidebar or i can just go to the profile and then here from the profile i can just tap wave and there you have it so you just drive [Music] like that and the person should be in hallway and should be active so that's that's how it works and then you can just cancel the wave so hope this feature was helpful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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