Picto - share drawings - app overview

here is the app it's probably one of alternatives to know the widget app it's called pikto share drawings so i'll just tap get i'll try to install this app and see how it works so there are a bunch of apps in this category like lock it widget noted widget where you can share animated drawings draw up to four pages five colors available real-time drawing public profile so yeah let's just explore how it works exactly pick two you can just start without an account uh pic2 is an online messaging service that allows you to send animated drawings to your friends don't need to be an artist just draw what comes to your mind draw something apply skills to yourself and then okay i'll just draw something like this what's a nice drawing then i can just okay have my username and then i'll just create an account and there you have it so now this is just my drawing then i can just invite friends i can subscribe to some people here and i just have this kind of account then i can just add friends i can send drawing [Music] and then i can just send drawing there so to my friend so something like that then i can also add some music i can add drawing to friend to my subscribers then just send it something like that and then there is some animation which you can create so it's kind of like instagram for drawings and i can see all that all of my designs here i can also go to settings see my account see friends subscriptions see my profile link drawings limit i think it's very neat design where like warm design i can also delete my account i can create an account if i want to so to keep your my data safe but because probably it can be deleted but yeah there is no option to add like a widget so if you use noted widget app or locket widget app you can just you know tap and hold and add this noted widget and then you will be seeing all these drawings like right on your home screen so that's pretty cool but i think if this app picture app adds this functionality it will instantly skyrocket and uh yeah so that can be nice so yeah that's the idea um i hope this is helpful and yep and yeah if you want you can subscribe monthly standard premium so yeah hope you like this app definitely give it a try check it out support the developer i think is this guy's indeed developer in the hacker definitely support him and support the app

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