Providers app: EBT, debit & more - FULL OVERVIEW & HOW TO USE

here's providers app is formerly known as fresh EBT so yeah you can see it here is constantly in the top charts and it's number one rated aptf for checking your footstep balance you can also manage other benefits and income with provider's card free debit account there are already 5 million people who use providers to manage their EBT WIC SSI unemployment other benefits and debit and then you can just manage your benefits and type it side by side you can manage all your income in one easy app ebtvac so all of that and of course in every state so pretty powerful app it has more than 200 000 reviews so anyhow you just create your account with uh with Apple ID or with Google super easy to do it then you just enter your postcode and then it's just available in well like for example providers in California or something then on the home screen you just see a lot of offers a lot of links to different apps like tips how to save money how to get some cash how to get like 50 bucks how to add like 100 whatever there is some benefit program updates there are some local jobs and gigs where you can get you know like twenty dollars per hour there is online grocery shopping you can explore all the different providers there is like coupons uh you can find for example coupon tools can find jobs grocery hubs recipes for some cheap food like some uh some codes for Walmart um and then a lot more stores accepting apt for online grocery orders and you can explore it here then you have accounts that's your account Mobile Banking you can link your EBT account so basically you just link your BT account like that or you can also just create an account uh just add in your ABD card number and suid um the answer is job search you can also find all sorry all offers and yes some different apps and discounts where you can save like twenty dollars twenty five dollars uh fifty dollars and get some food get some groceries then there is a new feature to do some tax filing and then there is get you can get also some customer support um questions about providers question about provider's card um um so yeah that's basically the idea you can get a provider's card here which can be used for your paychecks the child tax credit uh and then yeah again you just have map recipes benefits hub uh you can apply for some things here and then um yeah so that's that's the idea that's the idea of the app again I just have a lot of offers here so you just need to explore them yourself and it's pretty powerful and nicely done app everything in one place so easy to use so feel free to to explore this app and thank you for watching

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