Right Stuff dating app - INVITE REQUIRED

here's I'm trying to create an account and write stuff dating app seems like an interesting idea but uh when I just go here it says that invite required I just wanted to make an overuse this app but like yeah um invite required invite you write me in France they'll get access when you are approved and this is a bit weird because like I don't know any friends here how can I invite them so then I just tap check for invite and then it just says no invite yet um so that's that and how it works I just need to tap invite friends like but there are just some test number and then what's sending here it just says I'm sharing one of my invites with you to the right stuff it's an exclusive dating app for conservatives build your profile and you will get access when I'm approved here is your link and then you just sends some general link so it doesn't attach some kind of like invite code or some like you know specific invitation code so yeah I'm not that that Savvy but like how it does it work uh technologically that there is no like specific your invitation code maybe then you just need to add them in the app but yeah like a lot of people want to try out this app is just in in with invite required and people don't even know how to get an invite so yeah that's it

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