vEmpire token - where to buy?

i'm just going here through the list of trending tokens on coin gecko search they have like a cool this feature where now if you go to search tab you will see trending crypto meaning which crypto people are searching in current geek app and here is a vampire wamp token as you can see the performance okay it's actually it went down a bit but yep there you have it but can you get it on coinbase nope it's only uni swap okay io bitmart btrx dg5x be true so these are the exchanges where you can actually get it so other than that uh yeah if you have any other insights about this token just interesting to know offers this token offers diff defy asks taking of meta wars token onto his platform these taking pools are incentivized by the empire's emission schedule alongside using stacked materials token to invite other protocols the empire also offers play to earn games boosted but by our nft collection so you can see all the addresses and all the home page and all of that

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