What are RETAKES in BEREAL? How to see number of ReTakes in BeReal?

As a user of BeReal, are you aware of the retake feature? Did you know that you can retake Beryl multiple times? In this post, we'll talk about what retakes are and how to see the number of retakes in BeReal.

Retakes in BeReal is a feature that allows you to redo a challenge as many times as you want. You can retake a challenge for various reasons, including wanting to improve your score, beat your friends' scores, or simply for fun. Retakes are essential in helping you track your growth and progress in your skills.

To see the number of retakes on a challenge, tap on the three dots located on the right side of the challenge. You will see a 'retake' option, click on it. You'll notice a locked icon with a caption, "Add nine more friends to discover it." This means that you need at least ten friends to unlock the feature and see how many times your friend or another user has retaken the Beryl.

So, what's the idea behind this? BeReal wants users to invite more friends to the app to see how many times their friends have retaken the challenges. This feature helps to increase user engagement while also making the app more fun.

In conclusion, retakes are a unique feature in BeReal that allows users to redo challenges as many times as they want. However, to see the number of retakes on a challenge, you need to have at least ten friends on the app. Don't forget to invite your friends and keep improving your skills.

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