Why you CAN’t UPGRADE to GOD mode in GAS app?

so here is gazab and why you don't see a god mode button in the button why you can't upgrade to God mode so there can be few reasons to that so here you can see just like in Gaza app basically it's a screenshot and in the bottom I don't have this button which says see who likes me so I will just show you in the gas app here it is when you go to some polls uh you you see see who sent it or you should see who likes you so these are all buttons which will lead you to upgrade to God mode which can give you hints which can help you out to reveal who sent flames and all of that but in some occasions you just some people don't have that button so first reason is that you can read on their FAQ support center that this button is not yet available to everyone guys up is slowly rolling out across States across different schools and sometimes it's just not available for everyone so yeah that's what it is it's still kind of in the batter so if you have it great you're like if you don't have it uh just probably you'll need to wait some time make sure to update your app try later and nothing you can do about it and another reason actually is uh if you don't see this button and also you see this ghost icon in the top right here it means that the person who answered this poll it has a god mode so it means that they have a god mode already and they are answering the pole 100 anonymously and you don't you can't see this uh see see who sent it button so that's basically yeah that's why you still can have a god mode but just on that flame you won't be able to see this button

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