Wingman - dates landed by friends - APP OVERVIEW

hello everyone so here is interesting dating app which is called wingman so why is it different from other apps uh because basically it helps you to find matches in a bit creative different way it provides you better dates landed by friends so if you're too shy or there are some other like you know you just don't have time or something like that to browse on tinder you can use windman and maybe you have a friend who like really close friend who can just help you out to set up a date and this is the app just for that so let's let your friends introduce you to your perfect match sit back and relax for a matches in your friends can also speak with other people and tell them how how great you are so for example here you can just you can for example i like the profile say you can have two options say hi introduce yourself or ask your wingman to introduce yourself so wingman is your friend who can uh yeah who can introduce you so then you can just invite that friend but add in a phone number um and all of that so there is a friend tab here you can add a wingman by adding your contacts and then just add the wingman or there are some single friends and then you can add a single friend then there are activities so you can you can see all the activities all the matches all all of that in this step then there are messages and then there is your account so that's just my account you can see how this app works there is support and feedback in case you want to ask for support there are account options where you can just uh again change your phone number or ask for support uh also if you are not happy you can easily just delete an account in your data in this app here uh you can always edit your account just add change your pictures add your quotation bio filtering all of that here but my filters are on the home page in the top left here what you have uh include my profile on defeat show me more profiles and have notifications you can include age range and search distance and also select gender you're interested in for free so for that you don't need to upgrade or you don't need to pay anything so that's pretty cool so then you just can't use the app so there are two options if you don't have a wingman you can still use this app as a normal app and then just do all the work yourself or you can uh you can just uh ask your best friend to do it as well you can look for the your single friend so again you can just invite your single friend and help help your single friend like this and then that's how you send an invitation for example to help your friend join me on windmill so i can find your data and invite you using this number so make sure to use that number when you sign up so that's that's the idea of the app and then i am logged in into the profile wingman from my friend and then i can just search for matches for him or for she and then you can have as many profiles and then you can just you know help your friends and your friends can help you of course it depends on the relationship with your friends like some people can seem it weird other people can be really supportive and really help you out and to find a match there are different stories there are different personalities some for some people it might really work and help them out other people can be not happy with this arrangement but this is what it is so hope this quick overview was helpful

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