How to add friends in Emmo Mood Diary app?

  1. Tap on a smiley icon in the bottom right of the Emmo app.
  2. You will see a list of Emmo users.
  3. From here you can search Emmo users. Tap on Focus on button to the right. (If you are not sure, you can cancel Focus later in the bottom of a profile)
  4. These users will be notified that you are focusing on them.
  5. You can see a list of focused users in your menu.


okay so here's ammo app uh which is recently really going in top charts super fun app it is basically a mood diary so super simple you just tap on the plus button in the bottom and just tell what's your mood today and then you just register your mood you can add photo video recording any picture um and that's it and you just recorded your mood but also it is a social media so if you type in the bottom right and the smiley icon you will see all the people which are other profiles as well and then yeah uh so these are just all the people in discovery feed and focus on.

these are basically people where you focused on them or added i don't know like uh i think that's the synonym to friends here so for example if i just search for some username and i will see like some emoticons but in the second tab which is probably in japanese or chinese i will just see the the username so that's how i find some people here and then i can just tap focus on which is means like not following uh but just showing some i don't know yeah so then i become a fan so that's how you add the friend or become a fan and then these people will be notified that you became their fan and then you will see these people in your focus on feed here so that's the idea that's how it works hope it is helpful.

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Emmo app overview


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